Congregational Budget 2022

Notes on 2022 Proposed Budgets

Historically, the church council has always presented a single balanced budget for the congregation’s consideration. Multiple voices have been heard expressing a desire to restore Pastor Kristen to full time ministry. This year, the church council is presenting three potential budgets for consideration reflecting, respectively, a restoration of her status to full time, 90% and 75%.

  • Budget proposals A & B (full time and 90%) are not balanced and would entail utilizing the general checking account cash reserves to make up the gap between income and expenses.
  • Proposal C would be balanced but would rely on a reallocation of some previously dedicated funds.

Over the past year we have maintained a month end cash reserve of 2.5 – 3 months’ worth of budgeted expenses.

General Checking Account Balances 2021

  Monthly Low Balance Monthly Ending Balance
General Checking Account Balances 2021

Projected Income

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Calculated pledge amounts were assumed for members who did not return a pledge but have a consistent record of recent giving.

CountSum of 2022 pledge
No Pledge11$
Total Member Offerings49$144,817
Projected Other Offerings $ 1,000
Total Projected Income $145,817

Projected Expenses

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  • Copier – savings of $500 by 18-month extension of lease on current copier.
  • Living Lutheran Magazine – will be moved under Faith Formation (see below).
  • Phone & Internet – projected savings by switching to a cell phone for church office.
  • Staff Salary (Net and Withholding) – Consolidating labor costs here for clearer reporting. Frozen at current level.

Care and Evangelism

  • Aggregating historical categories under a single line item. Expenses for 2022 to be made from existing dedicated funds account. The committee historically has very nominal expenses.

ELCA Central States Synod

  • Maintain contribution at 1.5% of member offerings.

Faith Formation (formally Education)

  • Aggregating historical categories under a new single line item to reflect changing focus of Christian education.


  • Insurance and Workman’s Comp – $558 increase over 2021 rates. Billing changing to 10 monthly installments instead of 12.
  • Lawn Service – Substantial increase to reflect a more realistic cost given the size of our property. The current provider was not equipped to do the job properly. Calculating 12 cuts per year at a rate of $300/cut including trimming and edging.
  • Building Supplies & Maintenance – Not funded this year. Expenses to be paid from dedicated funds account (approximately 10K after carpet installation).
  • Mortgage Contribution – Increasing monthly contribution by $290/month to avoid a shortfall in the building fund by the end of 2022.

2022 Building Fund Projection

MonthPaymentsProjected Deposits from 2022 PledgesFunding Required from BudgetProjected Ending Balance
Dec-21 $3,194.34   $7,300.00
Jan-22 $3,194.34 $310.00 $2,290.00 $6,705.66
Feb-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $6,111.32
Mar-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $5,516.98
Apr-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $4,922.64
May-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $4,328.30
Jun-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $3,733.96
Jul-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $3,139.62
Aug-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $2,545.28
Sep-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $1,950.94
Oct-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $1,356.60
Nov-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $    762.26
Dec-22 $3,194.34 $310.00$2,290.00 $    167.92
2022 Building Fund Projection

Pastoral Compensation

  • Proposal A reflects a return to full time status with a Defined Compensation rate of $63,000.
  • Reduction in Auto Allowance
  • Switch from Gold to Silver+ Health Care Plan with $1500 Employer Healthcare Savings Account contribution. Nominal cost differential from Gold Plan.


Accompanist salary assumes return to full support (return of choir) for 2022.

  • 3 hours/week Jan-May and Sept-Dec
  • 1 hour week Jun-Aug
  • 1 week off per quarter (unpaid)

Voting Procedure

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  • Paper ballet vote for one of the three budget proposals. (100%, 90% or 75%).
  • Sam and Daryl will tally the votes. In the event none of the proposals receive a majority a second round of voting will occur between the two proposals that received the most votes.

Zoom attendees

  • If you know you will not be able to attend the budget meeting in person but will attend via Zoom, you may communicate your top two preferences in confidence to Sam or Daryl in advance of the budget meeting.
  • Your secondary preference will only be counted in the event a second round of voting is needed and your top preference did not make the cut from round one.
  • You must attend the Zoom meeting for your vote to be counted.


INCOME2021 Annual Budget2021 Jan-Oct2022 Proposed Budget A
(Pastoral Comp at full time)
2022 Proposed Budget B
(Pastoral Comp at 90% of A)
2022 Proposed Budget C
(Pastoral Comp at 75% of A)
Offerings and Other Income136,450.00111,515.63145,817.00145,817.00148,141.56
Member Offerings135,500.00109,696.76144,817.00144,817.00144,817.00
Loose Offerings500.00160.00   
Non-Member/Other Offerings450.001,658.871,000.001,000.001,000.00
Reallocation of Dedicated Funds   2,324.56
Income Total136,450.00 111,515.63145,817.00145,817.00148,141.56


EXPENSE2021 Annual Budget2021 Jan-Oct2022 Proposed Budget A
(Pastoral Comp at full time)
2022 Proposed Budget B(Pastoral Comp at 90% of A)2022 Proposed Budget C(Pastoral Comp at 75% of A)
Administrative 24,702.9220,592.7823,339.0023,339.1023,339.00
Background Checks (not funded)
Computer Hardware/Software155.00
Copier2,200.001,804.531,704.00 1,704.001,704.00
Council Retreat (not funded)
Employer Payroll Tax (SSN Match)1,422.921,067.191,425.00 1,425.001,425.00
Fees & Licenses50.00738.75160.00160.00160.00
Living Lutheran Magazine100.00
Miscellaneous (not funded)165.00
Office Equipment Maintenance (not funded)
Office Supplies175.0048.74150.00150.00150.00
Phone and Internet1,900.001,659.701,200.00 1,200.001,200.00
Staff Salary – Net14,027.2411,689.3014,027.24 14,027.3414,027.24
Staff Salary – Withholding4,572.763,309.574,572.76 4,572.764,572.76
 Care & Evangelism25.00152.38FROMDEDICATEDACCOUNTS
Cancer Companions (not funded)
Cards and Postage25.00
New Member Outreach (not funded)
Special Gifts and Assistance (not funded)152.38
ELCA Central States Synod2,040.001,510.002,170.00 2,170.002,170.00
Faith Formation (formerly Education)300.00212.78300.00300.00300.00
Bible Study (not funded)148.78
Gift Bibles (not funded)
Special Events (not funded)
Sunday School250.0064.00
Vacation Bible School (not funded)
EXPENSE2021 Annual Budget2021 Jan-Oct2022 Proposed Budget A (Pastoral Comp at full time)2022 Proposed Budget B(Pastoral Comp at 90% of A)2022 Proposed Budget C(Pastoral Comp at 75% of A)
Building Supplies500.00166.02FROMDEDICATEDACCOUNTS
Lawn Service1,000.001,115.003,600.003,600.003,600.00
Mortgage Contribution24,000.0020,000.00 27,480.0027,480.0027,480.00
Security Monitoring960.00540.00960.00960.00960.00
Technical Equipment (not funded)FROMDEDICATEDACCOUNTS
Utilities (Electric, Gas, Sewer, Trash, Water)7,000.003,709.375,500.005,500.005,500.00
Workmans Compensation615.00521.35909.00909.00909.00
Pastoral Compensation63,335.0050,984.0086,189.0077,532.5869,069.56
Auto Allowance500.00250.00250.00250.00
Continuing Education1,000.0055.001,000.001,000.001,000.00
Housing Allowance30,000.0025,000.0030,000.0030,000.0030,000.00
Portico Benefits14,500.0012,579.9020,589.0018,680.2816,069.56
Professional Expenses350.00350.00350.00350.00
Social Security Offset3,260.002,711.304,477.013,581.613,581.61
Synod Required Events1,100.00111.001,000.001,000.001,000.00
Accompanist Salary3,120.002,280.007,200.007,200.007,200.00
Guest Musicians (not funded)
Licensing and Subscription fees750.00548.95750.00750.00750.00
Physical Worship Supplies500.00393.22500.00500.00500.00
Piano Tuning100.00150.00150.00150.00
Pulpit Supply2,250.00850.00600.00600.001,200.00
Technology Updates (not funded)FROMDEDICATEDACCOUNTS
Expense Total136,447.92109,559.68164,661.00156,004.68148,141.56


2021 Annual Budget 2021 Jan-Oct 2022 Proposed Budget A (Pastoral Comp at full time) 2022 Proposed Budget B(Pastoral Comp at 90% of A) 2022 Proposed Budget C(Pastoral Comp at 75% of A)
Income  Total-All Sources136,450.00111,515.63145,817.00145,817.00148,141.56
Expense Total136,447.92109,559.68164,661.00156,004.68148,141.56

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