Congregational Budget 2021

Thanks to our Treasurer, Daryl Hogbin, and the Finance Team for their hard work with the 2021 Budget.


The congregational meeting to vote on the 2021 budget will be held on Sunday, November 22 following worship.

The Zoom meeting details will be posted to this page when they are available.

For 2020, we have been able to make up the shortfall in actual giving with federal Payroll Protection Program money and by reducing some of our expenses. Without that funding next year, we are faced with some difficult decisions.

In order for us to reach a balanced budget for 2021, Pastor Kristen has offered to reduce to 75% time as needed. To make this happen, we will routinely have guest preachers, as well as a few “congregation-led” services. We all hope this is a short-term “stop-gap” measure until we return to normal.

Offerings and Income

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Church Offerings2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Loose Offering1,00082.00500
Other Income15,587.00450
Total Church Offerings$159,050$152,814.93$136,450
We are thankful for the generosity of all who have pledged and can report that 2021 pledges
align closely with 2020 actual giving. 


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Administrative Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Bank Fees5050.5050
Employer Payroll Tax (SSN Match) 1,422.901,422.691,425
Computer Hardware/Software155
Council Retreat100
Equipment Repair
Office Supplies170.48175
Member Envelopes
Secretarial Assistance9,7009,7009,700
The Lutheran Magazine12589.70100
Total Administrative Expenses$15,482.90$15,642.15$15,805
ELCA Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
ELCA Central States Synod Contribution1,984.101,7152,040
Total ELCA Expenses$1,984.10$1,715$2,040
Education Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Background checks5030
Bible Study
Gift Bibles
A/V updates
Special Events
Sunday School25245.78250
Vacation Bible School
Total Education Expenses$125$275.78$300
Care and Evangelism Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Cancer Companions
New Member Outreach
Special Gifts25
Total Care and Evangelism Expenses$25$8.45$25
Facilities Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Workers’ Compensation626527.75615
Parking Lot Maintenance
Capital Improvements
Mortgage Contribution24,21716,03524,000
Facility Mgr8,9008,9008,900
Security Equipment800960960
Building Supplies700175.31500
Tech Equip Maint512.20
Snow Removal
Lawn Service1,0001,0001,000
Total Facilities Expenses$48,883$39,116.93$48,225
Pastoral Compensation2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget (75% time)
Social Security Offset4,2624,2623,260
Continuing Education1,0001,000
Professional Expenses35035.95350
Synod Required Events1,1001,100
Total Pastoral Compensation$82,825$79,221.71$63,335
Worship Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Other Musicians
Continuing Education
Physical Worship Supplies1,2502,074.90500
Licensing and Subscription Fees750
Pulpit Supply6002,250
Piano Tuning90100100
Technology Updates
Total Worship Expenses$10,040$7,249.90$6,720


All Expenses2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Administrative Expenses15,482.9015,642.1515,805
ELCA Contribution1,984.101,7152,040
Education Expenses125275.78300
Care and Evangelism Expenses258.4525
Facilities Expenses48,88339,116.9348,225
Pastoral Compensation82,82579,221.7163,335
Worship Expenses10,0407,249.906,720
Total Expenses$159,365$143,539.92$136,450
2020 Budget2020 Year-end Projection2021 Proposed Budget
Anticipated Income$159,050$152,814.93$136,450
Total Expenses$159,365$143,539.92$136,450