Shepherd of the Hills

For the health of our community

Dear Friends,

Our Lenten journey in the wilderness has taken some strange turns. After consultation with Bishop Susan Candea, Council President Jim Berry, and Council Vice-President Sam Johnson, we have decided to cancel in-person worship and other scheduled meetings for this Sunday, March 15.

After attending a meeting this past Friday with County Executive Dr. Sam Page, it was clear that for all we do NOT yet understand about COVID-19, there is one thing we do know for certain: the best way to slow down the spread of this disease is to avoid physical contact. The sooner we begin to do this, the better it will be for those most vulnerable in our society, and for the healthcare system as a whole.

In the days ahead, the church council will meet in order to determine how Shepherd of the Hills will proceed in the weeks to come.  We will continue to consult with the bishop and other sources of up-to-date information to make the best decisions for our congregation and our community.

Thank you for supporting these actions intended to protect our neighbors – especially those most vulnerable. In the midst of our social distancing, I encourage you to show love and concern through mail or by phone, to those who might be most isolated by these circumstances.

In peace,

Pastor Kristen

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